Sunday, April 22, 2018

I have no idea what I'm doing.

The title of this post says it all! I truly have no idea what I'm doing, but, I realized that to get my art seen and maybe inspire others to create, having a blog is one of the things I need to do. So, until I figure what the hell I'm doing, bear with me!

I suppose I should introduce myself. Hello there, I'm Dana. Artist, wife, mother, crazy cat lady, and general weirdo. Lots of things drive this nutty old brain of mine but art is my favorite thing. Being creative every day, or almost every day, keeps me sane.

Currently, I'm participating in the 100 Day Project so my first arty post will be about that. What is the 100 Day Project you ask? It is 100 chances to create a work of art and to celebrate the process. My goal is to create a piece of mixed media art every day for 100 days because the more disciplined my life is, the happier I am. Originally I had planned to create an inchie (a 1 inch square work of art using whatever you want), but I've made twinchies (double the size of an inchie), an ATC, and a ceramic tile with alcohol ink. In other words, I'm doing whatever strikes me. Rules suck. My offerings for today are a twinchie and a ceramic tile using alcohol ink. Enjoy! Subscribe!


  1. Yes!!!! No rules!! Can't wait to watch this grow from the ground up up up!!

  2. Love it, Dana! I can’t wait to see more!

  3. Legit! I wonder if I can start the 100day project? think im a couple weeks late though 😂 lol

  4. Wonderful!
    Please add the follow gadget so we can start following your blog.
